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Zimbabwe: Anjin Investments’ non-response

When Anjin Investments was allowed to resume mining operations in Marange under controversial circumstances, communities were promised better lives and compensation for being displaced. “We were promised compensation and title deeds to our new houses by the diamond companies; all these promises never materialised. Many people are now abandoning their homes here at ARDA Transau,” said Masvaure, who chairs the ARDA Transau Relocation Development Trust. Some of the houses at ARDA Transau were poorly built and gapping cracks could be seen tearing through the bright yellow painted walls. The business & human rights resource centre invited Anjin Investments to respond, they did not respond.

Anjin (joint venture Anhui Foreign Economic Construction, Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation & Govt. of Zimbabwe) に対して回答していない

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC) & Anjin Investments still to compensate victims of Marange violations; we requested companies to respond, they did not

ストーリー 2022年3月22日
