Date Reported: 2024年3月24日
場所: インド
Coca-Cola - Other Value Chain Entity , PepsiCo - Other Value Chain Entity , Varun Beverages Ltd - Buyer , NSL Sugars - Employerその他
Not Reported ( 砂糖 ) - Labour Supplier関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( 1 - インド , 砂糖 , Women , Documented migrants )課題
傷害 , 強制労働と現代の奴隷制 , 性別による差別 , 児童労働 , Poverty Wages , 水へのアクセス , 殴打及び暴力回答
Response sought: Yes, by Journalist
External link to response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: An executive at NSL Sugars, a Coca-Cola and PepsiCo franchisee supplier that has mills around the country, said that soda-company representatives could be scrupulous in asking about sugar quality, production efficiency and environmental issues. Labor issues in the fields, he said, would almost never come up. The PepsiCo franchisee, Varun Beverages, did not respond to calls for comment. NSL Sugars say they keep virtually no records on their laborers. PepsiCo confirmed that one of its largest international franchisees buys sugar from Maharashtra. The franchisee just opened its third manufacturing and bottling plant there. A new Coke factory is under construction in Maharashtra, and Coca-Cola confirmed that it, too, buys sugar in the state. PepsiCo said the company and its partners purchase a small amount of sugar from Maharashtra, relative to total production in the state. “The description of the working conditions of sugar-cane cutters in Maharashtra is deeply concerning,” PepsiCo said in a statement. “We will engage with our franchisee partners to conduct an assessment to understand the sugar-cane cutter working conditions and any actions that may need to be taken.” Coca-Cola declined to comment on a detailed list of questions.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
Date Reported: 2024年3月24日
場所: インド
Dalmia Bharat Sugar - Employer , PepsiCo - Buyer , Coca-Cola - Buyer , Mondelēz International - Buyer関連
Total individuals affected: Number unknown
移住者・移民労働者: ( Number unknown - インド , 砂糖 , Women , Documented migrants )課題
強制労働と現代の奴隷制 , 性別による差別 , 殴打及び暴力回答
Response sought: Yes, by Journalist
External link to response: (Find out more)
取られた措置: PepsiCo confirmed that one of its largest international franchisees buys sugar from Maharashtra. The franchisee just opened its third manufacturing and bottling plant there. A new Coke factory is under construction in Maharashtra, and Coca-Cola confirmed that it, too, buys sugar in the state. PepsiCo said the company and its partners purchase a small amount of sugar from Maharashtra, relative to total production in the state. “The description of the working conditions of sugar-cane cutters in Maharashtra is deeply concerning,” PepsiCo said in a statement. “We will engage with our franchisee partners to conduct an assessment to understand the sugar-cane cutter working conditions and any actions that may need to be taken.” Coca-Cola declined to comment on a detailed list of questions. Mondelez said it was “deeply concerned to hear allegations of labor issues at one of our suppliers. We will investigate.” Executives at Dalmia say they keep virtually no records on their laborers in the fields.
情報源のタイプ: News outlet
[The Brutality of Sugar: Debt, Child Marriage and Hysterectomies] 2024年3月24日