G-Star RAW's response to 2nd Transparentem rejoinder (December 2024)
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Centric Brands' response to 2nd Transparentem rejoinder (December 2024)
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2nd Transparentem rejoinder re migrant worker abuse in Mauritius garment factories: Brands Fail to Disclose Audits Findings Related to Forced Labor Indicators, Leave Workers in Lurch
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Migrant Garment Workers Still Waiting for Change: Follow Up to Transparentem’s Investigation in Mauritius
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Response from Barbour, PVH Corp. and Second Clothing to Transparentem rejoinder
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Limited Progress Toward Remediation and Lack of Transparency by Some Global Apparel Brands | Transparentem Rejoinder to Company Responses to BHRRC
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Barbour response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Second Clothing response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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PVH response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Boardriders non-response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Rodd & Gunn non-response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Kontoor Brands non-response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Western Glove Works non-response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Foxcroft non-response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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John Lewis Partnership response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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The Foschini Group response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Diesel response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Armani response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Centric Brands response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
이용 가능한 언어: English -
G-Star Raw response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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ASOS response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Woolworths SA response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Boden response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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WE Fashion response re remediation to migrant workers in Mauritius
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Debt, wage theft and coercion drive the global garment industry – the only answer is collective action
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패션계 선두 브랜드들, 모리셔스 의류공장 근로자들에 피해보상 예정
모리셔스의 이주노동자들이 수천 파운드의 중개료를 강요 당했다는 조사 결과가 나온 후, 모리셔스의 의류 노동자들은 캘빈클라인과 타미힐피거를 소유한 주요 패션 브랜드 Barbour와 PVH로부터 최대 508,918달러를 받게 되었다.
Fashion firms agree to compensate garment workers in Mauritius
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Investigation shows forced labor practices behind shopping deals
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“I Came Here with So Many Dreams”: Labor Rights Abuses & the Need for Change in Mauritius’ Apparel Factories
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Buyer & Manufacturer Responses
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