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10 Июл 2015

Rebecca Bucherer, International Network of Human Rights (RIDH)

Intergovernmental working group on Business and Human Rights: Day 5

Today, the 10.07.15, the intergovernmental working group on human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights...will start its fifth and last day of the first session...Today’s morning session will, different from previous ones, be held in private. This will allow them to prepare the minute-report of the first session of the Working Group. The afternoon session, again publically accessible, will then adopt the report prepared in the morning. Yesterday’s deliberations were productive and permeated by fruitful debate. The morning session included a broad consensus on the need to adapt a legal liability standard consisting of a binding character. The afternoon session, which was dealing with the creation of a national and international mechanism for access to remedy, was followed with interest by member states and non-governmental organisations, however, led to more questions than answers. Whether the report meets the expectations of member states (and non-governmental organisations) and will as a consequence be approved and adopted, will be disclosed this afternoon.
