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African Barrick Gold

African Barrick Gold response to letter on its non-judicial remedy programs at North Mara, Tanzania

NMGML [North Mara Gold Mine Limited] acknowledges its responsibility to work to eliminate and remediate any negative human rights impacts attributed to the operations of its mine. It is also committed to ensure that the operational-level Grievance Mechanism at the mine, as well as any agreements associated with it, satisfies the effectiveness criteria for the operational-level grievance mechanisms set forth in UNGP 31. To that end, NMGML has made a number of changes to its example Grievance Resolution Agreements and provided clarifications to already-executed agreements in response to legitimate issues and the expectations of stakeholders.


Tanzania: One person dead in clashes between police & locals at African Barrick Gold's North Mara mine - includes company response

Concerns about African Barrick Gold's project-level non-judicial grievance mechanism at North Mara Mine in Tanzania

MiningWatch Canada & RAID urges African Barrick Gold to ensure transparency of its remedy program after alleged sexual assault & police assault at its Tanzania's subsidiary's mine - includes company response