IHI's response
26 June 2023
The IHI Group has established the IHI Group Human Rights Policy, which is based on international standards for human rights.
Evaluating the impact of our group's business on human rights and taking steps to mitigate any adverse impact is essential in order to conduct our business responsibly with respect for human rights.
I&H Engineering Co., Ltd., which was referred to in Justice For Myanmar (JFM)’s report, was established in 2016 as a joint venture between IHI ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD., a subsidiary of the IHI Group, and the Department of Highways, Ministry of Construction of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Our group's business in Myanmar is aimed to contribute to the prosperity of social infrastructure that is vital for the development of the region.
We will make a comprehensive decision on the continuation of this project through dialogue with relevant stakeholders, considering the situation after the coup d'état by the Myanmar military in 2021.