Armenia: Miners of Chaarat Kapan CJSC protest, demanding wage increase & improved working conditions
日期: 2022年6月24日
地點: 亞美尼亞
Chaarat Kapan - Parent Company , Kapan Combine (previously part of Dundee Precious Metals) - Subsidiary項目
Shahumyan mine - Operation受影響的
受影響的總人數: 數字未知
工人: ( 數字未知 - 亞美尼亞 , 採礦 , Men )議題
抗議 , 基本生活工資回應
Response sought: 否
資訊來源: News outlet
日期: 2022年6月24日
地點: 亞美尼亞
Kapan Combine (previously part of Dundee Precious Metals) - Subsidiary , Chaarat Kapan - Parent Company項目
Shahumyan mine - Operation受影響的
受影響的總人數: 數字未知
工人: ( 數字未知 - 亞美尼亞 , 採礦 , Men )議題
抗議 , Occupational Health & Safety , 勞工:綜合回應
Response sought: 否
資訊來源: News outlet
The governor of Syunik was not in the region, while the deputy didn't manage to negotiate. Strike in Kapan (Photos, video), 25 June 2022
[Translation provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
Today on the 24th of June, the miners of "Chaarat Kapan" company (former Kapan Mining and Processing Plant) went on strike. They demand an increase in salaries. "I get 180,000 drams a month, everything has become more expensive. I got the same amount two years ago, when one kilogram of copper was 2,000 drams, and now, when the kilogram of copper is 4,000 drams," says one of the employees.
According to the protesters, they do not receive social packages, are not involved in health insurance programs. "The director says bring the papers, I will do something. "... let him say what documents, and I will bring those within an hour," says Armen A. According to the miners, they are not supplied with proper work tools. "You say my shoes are torn, how can I enter the mine, they answer, it's not our business, you received it two days ago, we do not have more. We enter a mine: there is stone, soil, and shoes get torn․ Does it mean they should not be replaced? ” asked the protesters in a conversation with us.
...The protesters [announced] they will not work until they hear a reliable promise from the director about the salary increase.