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Homa-Centre for Human Rights and Business of the Law School of the Fed.Univ. Juiz de Fora (Brazil)

Brazil: Homa releases report on the Açu Port case


“Homa releases report on the Açu Port case, located in the state of Rio de janeiro”, 10 March 2016

Latin America is under a process of expansion of the mining and metallurgical sector, particularly Brazil, which placed second among the largest exporters of iron ore in the world in 2013. The economic dependence of the region in relation to this activity is alarming and subject to the vulnerabilities of high and low cycles in commodity prices, which generate structural crisis in the sector...The project of the Açu Mine-Port is part of this logic...Through private meetings, there was the association of project with Eliezer Batista, who passed it along to his son, Eike Batista. From then, a complex system of business relations begins to unfold, making the accountability of those involved, in addition to the understanding of the case more difficult, but regardless, a problem that must be faced.
